Introduction to Ayurveda

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Ayurveda is more than just a popular form of alternative medicine. It is a system of holistic healing unlike any other.

Offering Overview

The name “Ayurveda” is derived from two words in Sanskrit, “ayuh” meaning “life” or “longevity” and “veda” meaning “science” or “sacred knowledge.” Ayurveda’s definition therefore roughly translates as “the science of longevity” or “the sacred knowledge of life.”

At its root, Ayurveda is a holistic tradition and way of living that can help each of us to claim and celebrate our capacity for wellness.

What You Can Expect From This Offering
  • Sync up with our truest inner nature
  • Honor and develop our strengths
  • Hone in on our challenge areas
  • Redirect detrimental tendencies
  • Maintain balance in the face of adversity
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Michael Pottern

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I'm dedicated to getting people curious. I've been an entrepreneur and connector my whole life and have also cultivated a strong meditation practice with Transcendental Meditation. By connecting people to actionable content and experiences, we can develop more resourced and connected communities to help people live healthy and vibrant lives. 

Currently, I'm the founder and Chief Explorer of Find My Zen. I leverage technology and curiosity to help people discover virtual and in-person experiences and services from a wide range of wellness facilitators.

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