Sacred Rest: 🌒 Mid-Month Rest Break

with Aja Rose

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Carousel screen shot 2022 02 01 at 8.26.35 pm
This Is A Virtual Offering
Offering Topic

Restorative Breathwork

Offering Highlight

This offering is a simple and nourishing space to experience rejuvenation, clarity, and relaxation through breath, presence, and music.

Offering Overview

Sacred Rest is a philosophy for living life in harmony with nature's rhythms.  It honors the notion that we are meant to enjoy life and be present with the simple pleasures of being human.  

♀️The wisdom of the feminine knows that when we create space to rest and just 'be', potent cycles of creativity, clarity, and healing naturally follow.  

💫 When we can approach our evolution from a place of wholeness, and not from trying to fix, heal, or improve, we move beyond resistance and begin to flow with the myriad of supportive earthly and universal forces.

☯️  These offerings are intended to support the natural embodiment of this philosophy and to support you in creating this sacred space at two different times of the month.  

Often we are resting because we are tired...and this is of course beneficial, but not nearly as supportive as it could be. It takes energy to rest and sleep in a way that offers deep healing and rejuvenation.

❄️ It is especially crucial that we create space for deep rest during the winter months. Our energy levels in the summer months will reflect the reserves we stored up in the winter.

I like to incorporate the breath into these experiences in a way that feels free, natural, and restorative. Bringing awareness to the magic and intelligence that is present in every moment.

This is only available in the Sacred Rest Patreon community.  The investment is $20/month.  The first month is free since you will not be charged until the 1st of the month!

What You Can Expect From This Offering
  • These mini-retreats are designed to help guide you into a restful sleep
Cancellation Policy


There are currently no upcoming dates scheduled for this offering.

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Aja Rose

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Aja Rose has been a Breathwork Facilitator for over 5 years and continues to dedicate her life to deepening her study and practice. Her breathwork journey started with a miraculous healing of debilitating chronic migraines that had lasted 22 years. She is passionate about inspiring others to heal and transform from within, and invites people to trust in the infinite intelligence within the breath. The nourishing container she holds is one of receptivity, presence, and allowance of what is.

Aja co-facilitates with her brother Danny leading workshops and retreats that combine the breath with nature, music, dance, and community. They are based in Boulder, CO.

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